2020 Zoom Reunion

What a fun and sometimes frustrating (we can't hear you! Why are we looking at the back of Sun's sofa? Great view of your knees!) Zoom meeting. Laurrie you handled the our usual organized chaos with aplomb. 

Seriously, for me it was like being in a Santa Fe room with you. Our Zoom hour is fairly typical of a SFS gathering; someone always doing something, making a dinner plan, finding a comfy seat, sharing stories. I LOVED IT!

What we didn't do is get many pics - fortunately California and Oregon didn't let us down.

 Zofia, Keni & Simone

Pam, Keni, Zofia & Linda



Cali contingent at Sun's Orange, Ca home

Liz from Medford, Or

There was no way with this reunion group to have our annual book discussion - as many of you didn't know we review books. We decided to continue our SFS Book Club via Zoom. The next meeting will be November. I think we said the 1st week of November but I'm thinking maybe not so much with the election that week. I'm going to be busy with phone calling; making sure people are voting or have a ride to the polls. Maybe the 2nd week?

The book we selected last year and will be discussing in November is:

Ladies of the Canyons: A League of Extraordinary Women and Their Adventures in the American Southwest by Lesley Poling-Kempes

Here's a sample of a couple of reviews:

mine: Ladies of the Canyons - a good read! I'll read it again. It's interesting, to me, to be forced to see another viewpoint. In this instance the mere mention of "anthropologist/ archaeologist" among natives during this turn-of-the-century setting makes my skin crawl because many of us have battled, the untruths and misconceptions coming out of that era. (Publish on Time or Perish, don't be concerned with truth!) Thus i was disposed to be annoyed as i read. These woman are my heros.

Zofia: For me this book is showing amazing parts of history I never knew and I never learned in school (in Poland). Very smart and brave woman.

Note: I'm gradually building this blog to encapsulate the SFS years. If you have information you want to share or pics; I'm glad to add them.


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